Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Revery With a View

If you are to have revery with a good view, you best wear white. For the view requires that you take on wings and soar, dove-like. Drench yourself in the scope, as you examine it.

by Iris Compiet

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Almost Flying

 Dancing is almost flying. 
Don't be afraid to be who you are ~
The moment is yours.
"Don't worry that it's not good enough, For anyone else to see", just f l y."

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Message of Christmas

 Are you far away from home,
This dark and lonely night.
Tell me what best would help to ease your mind.
Someone to give direction for this unfamiliar road,
Or One who says follow Me and I will lead you home.
~Amy Grant

To the lonely,
To those who think it's passed you by,
Christmas has something for you.
I hope you sense the fragrance of love in the air,
And how much it is meant for you,
How much it is meant for every. one.
A King was born and died for us.
He is the Light of the world.
He knows you and I.
He never leaves us alone,
He walks beside us in the good times
And carries us in the bad times.
He was a man of sorrows when He walked the earth.
He knows your pain, too.
He is there for us always. Always.

This is the message of Christmas:
- We are never alone.  
~Taylor Caldwell

Season of white - A Birth that made men right

For the infant King - The angels sing

Of Peace and Truth and Light

Season of white

Copyright 2008, Bookishkind
All Rights Reserved

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Welcoming Winter and Its Beauty

She the winter tree, 
Draped in a blanket of snow 
and ready for the winter sleep,
Memorizes days gone by,
So her dreams are filled with them, 
Until she wakes again ~ BookishKind

Joy Paints the Sky

Angels celebrate that December is here,
and Joy paints the sky in brilliant colors.