Sunday, August 13, 2023

Things I Learned From Anne

Photo by Sullivan Entertainment
When Megan Follows and Anne of Green Gables came together, magic happened. The book came alive,  the words from the pages became life in the person of Anne.

Things I learned from Anne.

1. The poetry of Tennyson {I actually memorized several verses of The Lady of Shalott and could recite them all at one time}.

2. To see the beauty in nature and adore it.

3. To be positive in life's circumstances.

4. To always do your best.

5. The little details matter {like dressing pretty, eating ice cream, and tea time}.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Tiny Prayers ~ Opening Up Heaven

 I used to kneel and pray long worded out prayers when I was younger. This worked for me for years. Somehow the prayers got shorter and shorter and then nearly faded out from sheer exhaustion. Finally now, I am realizing that it is okay for my prayers to be short, if I do them often enough. Just stating the basics is enough for now. This opens up heaven for me at a time when there is so much on my plate that tiny prayers like tiny houses are all you really need.