Book Share Fridays:
"Literary England" by Richard Wilcox.
It has been awhile since I've done a Friday book share! I found this book while searching Amazon, and to be honest, I am torn between recommending it, and not.
It is from the 1940's and was part of a 'picture essay on literary England' that appeared in Life Magazine. The concept of the book is brilliant, but the photographs are in black and white, and the author could have written the synopses of each featured place much better than he did. Having said that though, there is some merit to the contents, and if you love Albion like I do, it might be worth buying.
Here are a few of the literary spots they feature:
Canterbury Cathedral (The Canterbury Tales), Burrington Gorge (Rock of Ages hymn), Keats Grove (John Keats Hampstead home), Dickens' House, Assembly Rooms at Bath, Top Withins (Wuthering Heights), Wimpole Street (Elizabeth Barrett Browning), Doone Valley (Lorna Doone), and Stonehenge (Tess of the d'urbervilles).