Saturday, December 9, 2023

Nature Knows

Look out --- what you are seeing is nature,







Listen in --- what you are hearing is nature,







Nature is asking for time away and she quietly invites us to join her. Her stillness calms when we didn't know we needed calming. What is the message? We need to breath, to listen to the rhythms of earth and walk in step with them. Nature knows.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Things I Learned From Anne

Photo by Sullivan Entertainment
When Megan Follows and Anne of Green Gables came together, magic happened. The book came alive,  the words from the pages became life in the person of Anne.

Things I learned from Anne.

1. The poetry of Tennyson {I actually memorized several verses of The Lady of Shalott and could recite them all at one time}.

2. To see the beauty in nature and adore it.

3. To be positive in life's circumstances.

4. To always do your best.

5. The little details matter {like dressing pretty, eating ice cream, and tea time}.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Tiny Prayers ~ Opening Up Heaven

 I used to kneel and pray long worded out prayers when I was younger. This worked for me for years. Somehow the prayers got shorter and shorter and then nearly faded out from sheer exhaustion. Finally now, I am realizing that it is okay for my prayers to be short, if I do them often enough. Just stating the basics is enough for now. This opens up heaven for me at a time when there is so much on my plate that tiny prayers like tiny houses are all you really need.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Thursday, February 9, 2023

As You Wait

My heart is beating, trembling with sorrow, fearful you will not return.

My voice can only whisper, I dare not utter a spoken word.

There is still hope, but it dwindles, yet still, it remains in me.

"Be still, And as you wait,

I will renew your strength,

And as you wait, I will carry you on my wings." 

~Bekah Shae, Rest

My prayers are thoughts that drift upwards to the ears of God.
My tears are soul wrenching.
My face stained with anguish brimming from my grief.
But still, I believe in miracles, I believe, I believe.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Winter Thoughts

My thoughts tonight are winter thoughts. While you might know that January is not my favorite month, you might not know that I also find January quite breathtaking in its beauty. These pictures are beautiful to me. Winter is hard on many of us, the least of which are the animals that must live rough through it's hardships and unrelenting coldness, with trees and bushes for shelter and little warmth other than the midday sun. I have such respect for them. They must search in the cold for food when it is scarce and never know when they will find food again. They just do what they must. They have so much to teach us. I would thank them all, each one, if I could. We don't deserve them. But still, they are with us. 

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Quiet the Moment

 All of my life, I have struggled to sit still, be quiet, and just be in the moment while doing the little life things that are at times drudgery. I don't like those moments and I fight them. I want to rush them so they are over quickly, or better yet, skip over them so they don't even happen at all.

Today, during one such moment, the thought came that maybe God created these little moments so that we can reflect and think, be still, quiet the moment. That thoughts you need to think might not come any other way, and that maybe embracing those undesirable moments that are part of a dreaded task, might just be little gifts from heaven. 

So, next time I have such a moment, I will embrace the quiet and see what it brings. Even if it's just to catch my breath and say a prayer and be thankful for life.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Anne of Green Gables Bible


This is a brand new project that dives deep into the creation of Anne of Green Gables by it's author L.M. Montgomery. I am calling it the Anne of Green Gables Bible. A place to read, research, and dig into anything and everything you could ever imagine about the creation of Anne and her Green Gables story that are loved by so many around the world. We didn't know we needed this, but wow, what an amazing place to devour and delve into Anne.