Friday, August 13, 2010

Something Kindred

Something kindred speaks to me~

When I discover a 19th century artist/art I've never heard of or seen before...this one is by Alice Barber Stephens

When I learn of an early American or British author, who is obscure and not well-known now...this one is Brander Matthews, (what a face!) He looks a little like Charles Dickens!

When I walk in formal gardens that share their secrets and beauty with anyone who cares to walk them. Their color and variety is impressive.

When I see a stack of old books on the shelf with their faded covers and yellow pages. I can spot an old one a mile away --practically!

...white daisies, poetry, antiques, fine art, walking London on my own, dreaming of Yorkshire and the Lake district, anything Victorian or Medieval, words put to music well, French script, birds, and seeing horses run wild. This could go on and on...

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